Mrs. Latasha Fields
Latasha is 11-year homeschool mom of two sons, 10 and 7 years old and 1½-year-old daughter. The Fields family graduated their oldest daughter from their homeschool academy in 2014 and she is currently in her 3rd year of college at the University of Bridgeport in CT pursing a degree in BHS Nutrition and Pre-Naturopathic Medicine.
Latasha and her husband Ronald are the founders and directors of CHESS and the Overseers and Pastors of Our Report Ministries & Publications in Chicago, IL. Latasha is also an entrepreneur (18 yrs) and the 1st District Congressional Coordinator of ParentalRights for IL for over 3 yrs.
Mrs. Angela Harris
Angela is great!
Ms. Vetiveah Harrison
Vetiveah Harrison
2014 Homeschool Graduate, Ky'Ijel Group Christian Academy
BHS Nutrition and Pre-Naturopathic Medicine @ University of Bridgeport
President, Community Health Peer Educators @University of Bridgeport
Member, Food Recovery Network @University of Bridgeport
President & Student Leader, InterVarsity College Ministry @University of Bridgeport