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Empowering Parents to take the lead in their children's education




What is a Homeschool Cooperative?


A homeschool cooperative is a group of home educators and thier children coming together to provide adcamedic and enrichment opportunties for their children. HC is the functionality and standards by which, our homeschool academy operates. 


Who can become a member?


Any family and/or homeschooling family may become a member. 

However, we unashamedly believes, teaches, and practices a literal interpretation of the Word of God. If you do not agree with our faith, mission and beliefs, joining our homeschool group and/or enrolling your child in our academy will likely cause confusion. For example, if a question regarding biblical lifestyles arises in chapel or your child’s classroom, the teacher will answer from a biblical viewpoint consistent with our mission and belief statement. If your beliefs and lifestyle choices are not in agreement with our biblical doctrinal stance, that answer will likely create conflict. This internal conflict could drive a wedge between us, as a organization, you and your child, cause your child to negatively judge you as a parent, or force your child to choose between our teaching and what he or she learns at home. We respect your desire to place your child in the best possible learning environment, but if you are not in full agreement with our biblical doctrinal positions, it will be best for all concerned if you do not join and/or enroll your child. 

Biblical principles are integrated into every subject taught at our academy. Our parents/staff/volunteers is committed not only to academic excellence, but also to teaching students how to apply the truths of God’s Word to every aspect of life (Gal 5:16-26). If you are in agreement with the teachings of God’s Word, this co-op will complement the beliefs and ideals your child is taught at home. We look forward to partnering with you to educate your child in God’s truth.


Is KGCA  and CHESS Christian organizations?


Yes. We firmly uphold Biblical values, integrate them into our teaching, and apply the same in our everyday lives. We have adopted an admissions policy that opens the school and co-op to spiritually like-minded families who support our philosophy, objectives, and standards of education. We aim to serve families who desire a private education, a distinctively Christian education, and cooperative learning for their children.


Do your homeschool group celebrate Christmas and Easter?


No. Pagan holidays such Christmas and Easter do not teach or testify of Christ Jesus as the scriptures have said.

We believe in the birth, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  In that, is it imperative that His Disciples teach of Christ as the scriptures have said. 

-“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” -Luke 24:27 

-"And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me." -Luke 24:44


Are your co-op classes open to the public?


No. Our co-op classes and/or programs are for members only. 


How do I join?




What am I paying for? 


Our largest expense is the space/facility where we hold classes.  The second largest expense includes web hosting, administrative cost, general supplies, and a few educational events each year, and covering incidental costs for all of our activities.  


What are Cooperative Education Tiers (CET)?


Cooperative (also know as co-op) Education Tiers (CETs) are the autonomous levels of our operational structure within the organization.

KGCA has three main programs/groups we define as CETs:

Non-Homeschoolers (full-time students), aka NHS.  Full-time tier:  Is for working parents/families who desire their children to have a quality education in a cooperative homeschool atmosphere.

Active-Homeschoolers (part-time students), aka AHS.  Part-time tier: Is for active homeschool families that are not sure if they're reaching thier child in any particular core subject. 

Enrichment Co-op Students (schedule varies), aka ECS.  Is for all member families to share their gifts, favorite subjects, interest, passions and creativity with others.  


How much does CETs cost?


Our homeschool cooperative academy have family flexible payment options.  Please email us at [email protected] for more information. Serious inquiries only. 


Does the homeschool co-op academy offer a complete cuuriculum?


Yes. Accerlerated Christian Education. 


Where are you located?


Our homeschool cooperative academy is located in Chicago, IL. 


Who are the Founders? 


KGCA and CHESS were founded by Our Report Ministries & Publications, led by Evangelists/Pastors Ronald L. and Latasha H. Fields, in August 2004 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The Fields have been homeschooling their children for more than 16 years. They have a homeschooled college graduate and continue to homeschool their other three children.


What does it mean to volunteer? 


Everyday hard working parents collaborate to put classes together and various other positions. Being a volunteer is a very important obligation and commitment and is extremely key to the success of the school and co-op.  In fact, if you questions or have interest is volunteering, please contact Mrs. Fields


Can I drop my child off at co-op?


No. Only students enrolled full time in KGCA are able to participate in co-op classes without their parents. 


Is lunch provided?


No. Parents are responsible for packing a healthy lunch for their children.