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Request Membership in this Community!
Empowering Parents to take the lead in their children's education
indicates a required answer
A non-refundable fee of $20 per family is required to complete the registration process. Each enrolled student must have an updated application on file in their permanent records annually.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Student Date of Birth
Address and Phone Number (if changed)
Choose enrollment status:
First Month Payment (September):
Next Eight (8) Months (Oct-May):
Parent, what is your reason for re-selecting our school for your child(ren) this year?
Restricted Pick-up Information. I understand that if I wish to have someone other than these individuals listed below to pick up my child(ren) from KGCA, I must notify the Administrator of the individual's name and the time the child(ren) will be picked up.
I permit KGCA to transport my child for planned school activities and school-sponsored events away from the school property. Since I also believe that discipline is necessary for the welfare of each student and the entire school, I permit to make and enforce classroom rules consistent with Christian principles as outlined in the Scriptures.
I further agree to hold the school and its agents harmless for any liability to my child because of any claims on behalf of my child and against the school or its agents due to any injury or alleged injury to my child. Suppose legal action should, for any reason, be taken against Ky'Ijel Group Christian Academy or its agents or employees on behalf of my child, and the school or its agent not be found at fault. In that case, I agree to pay any attorney fees, court costs, damages, or other costs KGCA may incur to defend itself against such action.
This statement of cooperation, application, and CHESS membership will remain effective as long as my child is listed, enrolled, or attending Ky'Ijel Group Christian Academy. Do you agree?
Once you complete the student registration form, you will only be redirected to pay the fee. After receiving the application and payment, you will receive an email or invoice with your 'Lock-in Tuition' price and the link to finalize the financial agreement."
Please note that once you submit the registration fee and complete all required forms, you will be billed for the tuition and curriculum options you have chosen.
If there are financial difficulties, don't hesitate to contact the school's administrator.
Please click "Yes" below to indicate your agreement with the above statements.
Parent Signature