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Request Membership in this Community!
Empowering Parents to take the lead in their children's education
indicates a required answer
To complete the registration process, a nonrefundable fee of $25 per student is required. Each enrolled student must have a current application in their permanent records annually.
Parent First and Last Name
Parent Email Address
Student First and Last Name
Previous school name and address:
Choose enrollment status:
Students' last grade level:
How would you rate the student's previous academic level:
Has student failed any grade(s)?
If yes, what grade(s)?
Has child ever been explled, dismissed, suspended, or refused admission to another school? Yes or No. If yes, explain.
Has child ever had disciplinary problems? Yes or No. If yes, explain.
Has child ever used tobacco or drugs of any kind? Yes or No. If yes, explain.
Has child ever been in trouble with the law, arrested, etc.? Yes or No. If yes, explain.
Student Testimony: What is your personal relationship to God? How does one become a Christian?
Please type N/A if not applicable.
Parental Testimony: In your opinion how does one become a Christian, and what is involved in living the Christian life?
Student needs to answer this if 12 years old and older. State in your own words why you want to attend KGCA:
If student is unable to answer this question, please type N/A.
Parent, what is your reason for selecting this school for your child(ren)?
We were recommended to the school by:
Pictures Taken
Do you consent to have pictures taken, posted, and shared? These images may be used in the yearbook, marketing, or promotional materials in print and on the Internet. Your agreement grants KGCA or CHESS permission to post your child. However, posting their name will require written authorization and approval.
Are you available on Wednesdays? Join us on our homeschool co-op day. Co-op allows you to spend a school day with your child, experiencing an exciting hands-on learning environment with other like-minded parents. It is a parent-led setting where we gather weekly to work cooperatively, meeting our children's educational and spiritual needs. This day also serves as our field trip day. We meet for enrichment classes and activities from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Spirit of Liberty Church at 3939 Blackstone Ave, Markham, IL.
Note: Your child will be automatically enrolled in our CHESS Co-op classes, and working parent participation is not required. However, we highly encourage your participation if your work schedule allows you time off.
If you answer yes, please complete the enrollment process for KGCA first. Afterward, return to this site and request membership by clicking the JOIN button at the top.
Restricted Pick-up Information: I understand that if I wish to have someone other than the individuals listed below pick up my child(ren) from KGCA, I must notify the Administrator of the individual's name and the time the child(ren) will be picked up.
I give KGCA permission to transport my child for planned school activities and school-sponsored events that take place away from the school property. I believe that discipline is necessary for the welfare of each student and the entire school. Therefore, I give permission to establish and enforce classroom rules in a manner consistent with Christian principles as outlined in the Scriptures.
I also agree to hold the school and its agents harmless for any liability related to claims or injuries to my child. If legal action is taken against Ky'Ijel Group Christian Academy or its agents or employees on behalf of my child, and the school or its agents are not found at fault, I agree to be responsible for any attorney fees, court costs, damages, or other expenses incurred by KGCA in its defense.
This statement of cooperation will remain effective as long as my child is listed, enrolled, or attending Ky'Ijel Group Christian Academy.
Please type Yes below for agreement of these above statements.
Once you complete the student registration form, you will be redirected to pay the student registration fee only. After this step, you will be provided with a link to begin the re-enrollment process.
Please note that once the registration fee is submitted and all required forms are completed, you will then be billed for the tuition and curriculum options you have chosen. Tuition payments and other fees must be submitted before the student starts classes. If there are any financial difficulties, please contact the school's administrator.
Please type "Yes" below to indicate your agreement with the above statements.
Enrollment date: On what date would you like your child to start school with us? Please note that all fees and tuition must be paid, and enrollment forms must be completed before your child can start.
Today's date
Parent Signature