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Empowering Parents to take the lead in their children's education


Online Learning Program

Connected & Engaged

We understand the challenges of today's education climate and the desire of parents wanting to give their children a quality education that doesn't break the bank. KGCA's Remote Learning Program can help. 

Our Remote Learning Program for 3rd-9th grade is an interactive, fun, and engaging curriculum designed for student-supervisor interaction that has a built-in messaging system when your child needs help with academic questions, and the supervisor has up to 24 hours to respond to students' messages.

KGCA provides diagnostic testing for accurate curriculum placement, maintains academic records and grades, monitors students' progress, and sets up parent accounts to see how your child is progressing through the program. 

Blended Online Learning 
In this program, our students learn primarily through Remote Learning. Yet, they will have face-to-face classes with our supervisors to provide a more enriched curriculum learning experience. In addition, all students enrolled will log in Tuesday through Friday to our Virtual platform to set daily goals and participate in Biblical Devotion and Worship time. 



We desire our parents, students, and supervisors to remain connected and engaged.


Looking to supplement your child's education, get help monitoring their progress, and maintain their permanent records? Try option 1-ePACE Learning program.  

Option 1-ePACE Learning 

Monday through Friday, students enrolled in this program will access their ePACE books and utilize the text-to-audio tools to help them with vocabulary, reading rates, comprehension, the built-in dictionary, and an online Bible in our Remote Learning Center.

KGCA will only be responsible for monitoring and record-keeping the four (4) courses offered in this program.

ePACEs Offered:

  • Word Building (Levels 3-9) 
  • Social Studies (Levels 3-9)
  • Science (Levels 3-9)
  • Bible Reading (Levels 3-6)
  • Biblical Studies: New Testament Survey (Levels 9-12)
  • Biblical Studies: Old Testament Survey (Levels 9-12)

Class Times: 
Monday through Friday -ePACE Learning 9:45 am - 2:30 pm (WB, SC, SS, Bible)

Thinking your child may need a bit more, option 2 can help. 

Option 2-ePACE, PACE Books, and Virtual Learning

On Tuesdays, students enrolled in this program will take Latin and Civic Education and work on their English and Math PACE books. On Thursdays, they will continue with English and Math and begin their Literature PACE book; on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, they will access their ePACE books and the tools available in the program. 

KGCA will monitor and maintain cumulative record-keeping for the full ACE curriculum in this program.

 ePACEs Offered:

  • Word Building (Levels 3-9) 
  • Social Studies (Levels 3-9)
  • Science (Levels 3-9)
  • Bible Reading (Levels 3-6)
  • Biblical Studies: New Testament Survey (Levels 9-12)
  • Biblical Studies: Old Testament Survey (Levels 9-12)

PACE Books (ordered & shipped):

  • English (Levels 3-12)
  • Math (Levels 3-12)
  • Literature (Levels 3-12)
  • Foreign Languages (Levels 3-12)
  • Electives (Levels 3-12)

Class Times: 
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday -ePACE Learning 9:45 am - 2:30 pm (WB, SC, SS, Bible)
Tuesday -Virtual Learning 9:45 am - 2:30 pm (Latin, Civic, Eng, Math)
Thursday -Virtual Learning 9:45 am - 2:30 pm (Eng, Math, Lit)

  • Latin and Civic Education are available as a pdf download and emailed to students after enrollment. 
  • Students will receive login instructions after enrollment is complete. 
  • Students will be assigned a minimum of 3-4 hours of core curricula on Friday afternoon to complete as Monday's assigned classwork.  


Upon completion of Option 1-ePACE Learning: The student will receive a progress report card for only the courses offered in this program.

Upon completion of Option 2- ePACE and PACE books: If parents choose the full curriculum, all four (4) ePACEs, and a minimum of three (3) PACE books, the student will receive a General, Vocational, College Preparatory, or Honors Diploma.  


Are you interested in this program? Check out our Enrollment Process or schedule an interview today! 

Looking for in-person learning? Click Here